Filipino Combat Systems
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Freestyle Arts

In front of my first school with some old friends.
Ricardo, Rafael, Mark, Max, Ray, John

group with Dan

Left to Right:
Rene Calara, Al Asher, Dan Inosanto, Mike Haack,
Jose Moritalla, Ray Dionaldo

Shoshin-Ryu Jujitsu Workshop

Shoshin-Ryu Jujitsu Workshop
That's right, I'm wearing a gi!

Enter CBII Site

With the
Chinese Boxing Institute International
Cape Coral group
Sifu Ken Mills, Me, Dago, Mike

FCS Gathering 11-19-2000

FCS Gathering 11-13-2000
Andy, Mike, Todd, Charlie, Ray, Rick
Aldon, Rich, Jose

Jump Spinning Heel

O.K. Everybody Keeps asking if I do any kicks.
So, here's something from my bag of tricks.
Ever hear of SIKARAN?.............

To FCS Members:

If you guys have any cool pics that you want to post on the website, E-mail them to me.

Contact Me